What we wear says a lot about who we are.
For the majority of my adult life, I have made a point of curating a collection of t-shirts that reflects my interests and values. It’s one of the ways I communicate who I am to others.
Even deeper than that, what I choose to wear on any given day reflects what I am doing that day, my mood, current events…maybe all of the above! My friends know this, and often take note of what’s on my mind based on the shirt I am wearing.
Among strangers, my shirts act as a secret invite for conversation with like-minded folks. I love talking with people who share interest in the same things I do. No matter how brief the moment might be, we feel seen and make a connection. This is important, especially for introverts like me.
Sometimes I am asked where I got a shirt, and as long as I remember where I got it, I am happy to share that information — especially if it brings more business to small businesses and independent artists.
I started this blog as a way of sharing all of this information in one central place. Thanks for stopping by!