The shirt: “Please Think of the Carpet”
Where to find it: Liz Klockowski. She brought shirts to the Creation convention in 2024.
Why I love it: This is a deep cut reference to Art Director Liz Klockowski’s journey of rebuilding the Enterprise-D bridge for Star Trek: Picard. The crew sunk their hearts into this project, knowing they needed to nail down every detail flawlessly because fans would be scrutinizing their work like a specimen under a microscope. One of the most difficult things to match precisely was the color of the carpet. To preserve the set as much as possible, the art department made signs that said “Please think of the carpet.” This t-shirt is a replica of that sign.
I legit thought that line about carpet was about my carpet struggles…turns out, it wasn’t. 😂 pic.twitter.com/yAyGwxUztt
— Liz Kloczkowski (@lizklocz) May 23, 2024
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